Auto Injury Treatment

Driver Suffering From Whiplash After Traffic CollisionAdvantage Life Chiropractic specializes in whiplash treatment and other treatments for taking care of you after a car accident. By utilizing techniques to reduce neck pain, you can stop the aftermath of whiplash.

One in six car accidents usually result in someone getting whiplash, a potentially chronic and terrible condition. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe, natural and effective procedure used by Advantage Life chiropractors to fix subluxations in the spine and give your body the ability to heal itself.

Get the Care You Need Immediately After an Accident to Alleviate Pain

Getting your body back on track after a car accident can be tedious and frustrating. Stay proactive and visit a chiropractor today. With gentle manipulations and utilizing specialized certifications and techniques you can start feeling better sooner.

You may not be able to feel the full extent of some internal injuries with your spine, (i.e. whiplash, tissue damaging or a bulging disc) until a few hours or even days after your accident. It is very important to seek treatment right away.

Chiropractic care can help treat the following after an accident:

  • Neck Pain or Low Back Pain
  • Tingling, Numbness or Pain in the Limbs
  • Loss of Range of Motion
  • Dizziness, Headaches or Blurred Vision
  • Trouble Walking

Chiropractic Care Heals the Body Faster after an Accident by Balancing the Nervous System

Because the effects of whiplash, tissue or muscle damage and spinal injuries are often delayed, receiving a full spinal analysis and posture screening after an accident is extremely important. It serves as the initial step to formulating a treatment program. After a care accident adrenaline often numbs the pain initially after the accident.

Whether it is neck pain, soreness or burning soft tissue pain, chiropractic care can help you feel like you used to post-accident.  These screenings can reveal important information regarding a person’s overall heath and provide a base for an effective course of action. If you or a loved one has recently been in an auto accident, call a chiropractor today.

Schedule an Appointment Now to Prevent Chronic Pain after an Accident

Having a car accident is a frightening experience. Your physical well-being should always take precedence. Make sure to get the care you need to help your body heal after an accident. Give our office a call today to see how Dr. Sarah and Tony Nguyen can help you.

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